Learn a new skill

 What a week people!  I learned how to record, edit and upload meditations onto my site.  Trust me on this, if you’re technically challenged, this is a big step.  It’s not like writing a blog, and putting it up on the site and then figuring how to send the email out – this involves YouTube and uploading and iMovie and everything that makes me squirm with pain.  Why am I bringing this up?  Because it feels so good to learn something new and be able to execute.  By the way, far from perfect, but let’s not do the old “Analysis to paralysis” … if I did that, nothing would go up on my site, ever!  And you know what’s really crazy? Lately, I’ve read books by authors, big name authors, and there are actually typos in the book.  Sometimes I think I need to have my eyes checked and re-checked – so I will show the misspelled word to my husband, and he will confirm that indeed, there is a typo!  I find that fascinating…in the world of big publishing, and the many sets of eyes are on those pages, yet still… there are mistakes. 

I digress.  Let’s talk about learning new things because it’s such a positive experience and so good for our brains.  I’m not saying you have to become a master, but just give something a try.  I’ve made a list of things that I think would be kind of cool.


1.     Speed read.

2.     Play a keyboard (they have those cool portable things you can attach to your computer and make it sound like you are the head of an orchestra).

3.     Photography.

4.     Paint.

5.     Digital Marketing.

6.     Self- defense (I’m doing this one for sure).

7.     Tai Chi.

8.     Yoga (My sister teaches yoga for beginners - check out yoga gal)!

9.     Dancing – hip hop, ballroom, whatever your heart desires.

10.  Change a flat tire.

11.  Write jokes or try comedy and improv at a local theater.

12.  Sew – this is another one I tried during the beginning of quarantine – so much fun!

13.  CPR – imagine saving someone’s life on an airplane? 

14.  Cooking (French, Italian, Indian, Asian, Mexican, Mediterranean) and any other type of cuisine.

15.  Form a new habit – I love this one – very doable!

16.  Practice and learn how to meditate (not just sit there, but really slow down your mind and your breath and be present).

17.  Financial stuff like budgeting and understanding money in and money out (I tried an accounting course once – I thought it was easy – debits and credits – I lasted 2 weeks and had to drop out…that’s not for the weak…but a good skill to have).

18.  Learn a new health habit such as swimming, lifting weights, barre class, pickle ball, any activity that gets you moving and feeling good.

19.  Aromatherapy – essential oils can literally change your day with their essence!

20.  Public speaking.

Drop a line and let me know if you try something new…


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